Monday, March 28, 2011

new seasons

Maybe it is the change of seasons, maybe the changes of life, but I have been a little nostalgic lately.  I have been missing friends that are out-of-state and even across the country.  My parents have relocated and I think that is starting to finally hit me also.  People are getting older and we are seeing them less, becuse life happens.  But enough of the depressing...

We (somewhat) recently spent the weekend with my paternal grandparents and we did what we always do, aside from over grandpa pulled out homemovies!!!  My brothers and I always enjoy watching them and laughing at ourselves and how high our voices were!!!!!  Growing up we were blessed to live near, not only my grandparents, but also my great-grandparents.  We often spent Sunday afternoons at my great-grandparents' house, eating lots of delicious food and yummy desserts that came from the Swan's man, and taking a candybar (our favorites were always stocked!) from the breadbox under the counter for later (see a trend).  We played board games at every family get-together, and still do, and played with the toys that were usually from a cereal box.  The kind that would stick to the wall but then always had to be rinsed off because, when they hit the floor, they were covered with cat and dog fur!!  Everytime we pulled out that bag, the room smelled of mothballs! To this day, I still think of my great-grandparents whenever I get a whiff of mothballs.

Back to the movies...being close to all those relatives, meant that they were also caught on film.  It was great to hear my great-grandpa laughing at everything we did!  Even until his last days, he was still laughing and telling jokes!  One of my favorite home movies is a clip from Christmas, and Barney (his nickname) was singing Silent Night auf Deutsch, a musical memory I hope to never forget!

1 comment:

  1. I feel so lucky to have joined this family. I got a little teary reading this blog post - great memories of Grandpa Barney. He could light up a room with his laughter. Thanks for sharing these memories and the pic!!
